We Love You, Seniors, Oh Yes We Do!

... And when you're not with us, we're blue, oh seniors, we'll miss YOU!


To all of our seniors who graduated this past May, we wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors! Thank you for sharing all your amazing talents with us, guiding this chapter and sharing lots of laughs along the way. You are each so incredible and have done so much for this chapter and at USC, and we are so proud to call you ADPis and our sisters. From bid nights to Monday Night Dinners to Invites and Exchanges to football games to lazy days on the Landing watching Law and Order or Criminal Minds, you have truly touched each of us. You have been leaders and role models, and we'll never forget the memories we have shared.

But, before our seniors could leave us, we CELEBRATED with SENIOR WEEK!

Senior Week is planned every year by our Membership Education Vice President to honor our graduates. This year, we kicked off Senior Week with a final Monday Night Dinner, during which some underclassmen wrote a medley of songs for our seniors, who in turn shared all their favorite words of wisdom with the chapter. Then, we had Senior Wills, where seniors could unload their stacks of ADPi shirts, sweatshirts, shorts, and other items on the underclassmen. On Wednesday night, we had some fun activities with our senior sisters, where underclassmen are paired up with a graduating senior to shower her with fun gifts and keepsakes. On Thursday, the seniors gathered to watch a slideshow of pictures and words of encouragement submitted by their parents, which were pretty funny to say the least! Afterward, the seniors all go out to dinner together for one final hurrah before... DIAMOND BALL! Every year, Diamond Ball is our final social event of the semester. Girls get dolled up and don their prettiest dresses, grab a date, and dance the night away! And then it's Good Luck on Finals and Have a Great Summer! Seniors, you will definitely be missed, but we cannot wait to hear about all the remarkable things you will go out and accomplish! To all of our returning members, have fun and stay safe this summer! Can't wait to hear about all your adventures in August!

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